recurse( );

by @lvlsofrecursion


Budgeting is x percent math and y percent behavior they say.

I have ADHD and as such, I oscillate from overwhelm to depression, then to mania and back. Some days I am hyperproductive and don’t sleep, other days I don’t get out of bed and am dead to the world. Obligations fall by the wayside.

Financially, this has dire ramifications. Keeping track of due dates, bills coming in from so many different channels. Not only that, there’s a shame and an avoidance I am constantly at war with.

The internal parent telling me I can’t ignore these things, they aren’t going to go away. Then there is an emotional and fearful side that distracts.

The one that burns hours doing things that aren’t even productive instead of the handful of things that would move things forward for me.

What if there was a tool that could look at all of my financial obligations for me? When they were going to hit, look at my financial accounts, that would do the math and help me actually understand where I’m at?

I remember several years ago I read Ramit Sehti’s I Will Teach You To Be Rich and thought it sounded smart but that the actual implementation of it was still too clunky.

There’s so much shame around being in debt. Money is so glorified and how much you have is a barometer for your worth as a human being.

Are you a bad person because you haven’t handled money well?

It only worsens when you look at predatory lending, interest rates rising, people carrying debt on cards.

There’s a solution here and I’m getting towards it, something unique that isn’t available yet.